
Prof Andrew Thomas mba , fice , moId

Bringing a curious and rare mix of Commercial Industrial skills, a breadth of experience and in depth understanding of both Private and Public Sector and Policy issues.
Andrew effectively challenges and adds value to the projects he is involved with. Andrew is driven by making a difference whether directly or through the work of the teams he leads and participates in.

Andrews history
Andrew has served as a Director within Birse Civils, was awarded an Industry Best Practice practitioner award in 2000, and has worked with partner and customer organisations as a Mentor, Change agent and Critical friend.
He has served on various regional and national boards and working groups for over 15 years and continues to do so. These include National KPI working group, OGC Procurement working group, Welsh Procurement and BIM working groups, and most recently with BIM4SME building on his role as co author of the BIM Strategy and report that was the trigger for mandation of BIM on UK Govt projects.
Andrew led the Enterprise activity of the School of the Built Environment at Salford as Professor and CEO of Centre for Construction innovation – the flagship Constructing Excellence centre in the UK.

Andrew now supports a number of Academic Institutions including on the Professoriat of University of Ulster.
He served for over 10 years on the Board of Constructing Excellence and was the Sustainability and Procurement point of reference in the region for the North West Regional Development Agency, as well as chairing Manchesters Social Housing consortia and serving on the Constructing the Future Board of Elevate Housing Market Renewal Fund.
Andrew continues to perform Critical friend roles, act as an independent point of reference and intermediary, and enjoys a number of Non Executive Director positions.
Andrew provides winning work and business improvement services, and brings an independant critical friend to change and improcement.
Andrews customers rely on his reputation, experience and utter professionalness in times of need, change and development.